Monday, September 8, 2014

Demonstration Speech Rubric

Presenter’s Name: ___________________________________                                               Speech Topic: ____________________________________
Time: __________

Performance Evaluation Based on Criteria
Speech begins with an attention-getting statement to capture audience’s attention.
( 6 )
Speaker used an attention-getting statement to effectively capture audience’s attention.
( 4 )
Attention-getting statement was present, but lacking in delivery and/or efficacy.
( 2 )
Attention-getting statement was included in speech, but it was present at the wrong time and was lacking in efficacy.
( 0 )
Speech did not begin with an attention-getting statement.
Relate to Audience
( 6 )
The speaker clearly related their topic to the audience in the introduction.
( 3  )
 The speaker attempted to relate their topic to the audience.

( 0 )
The speaker does not relate their topic to the audience in the introduction.
Topic is clearly stated in the introduction.
( 6 )
The topic of the speech is clearly stated in the introduction.
( 4 )
The topic of the speech is only suggested or implied.
( 2 )
The topic of the speech was unclear in the introduction.
( 0 )
The topic of the speech was not stated in the introduction.
Materials are listed after the introduction.
( 6 )
Speaker listed all necessary materials before beginning the demonstration (after introduction).
( 4 )
Speaker listed some, but not all, materials before beginning the demonstration (after the introduction).
( 2 )
Speaker either listed some, and not all, of the materials or does not list them at the correct point in the speech.
( 0 )
Speaker did not list their materials in the speech and/or did not have any materials.
Steps are clear, specific, and easy to follow. Ideas are clearly stated.
( 10 )
Steps were easy to follow and specific. Speaker’s ideas were clearly stated.
( 8 )
The order of steps could be followed.
( 6 )
Order of steps could not always be followed. Speaker’s ideas were not easy to understand.
( 4 )
Order of steps could not be followed. Speaker’s ideas could not be understood.
Transitions were used successfully to connect different parts of the speech.
( 5 )
The speaker used transition statements effectively after the introduction, between steps, and before the conclusion.
( 3)
The speaker used some, but not all, required transitions in their speech.
( 1 )
The speaker used one transition in their speech.
( 0 )
The speaker did not use any transitions in their speech.
Presenter reviewed the steps again in their conclusion.
( 5 )
At the beginning of the conclusion, the speaker briefly reviewed the steps.
( 3)
The speaker attempted to review steps again, but did not communicate them effectively (steps out of order, some steps missing, e.g.).
( 0 )
The speaker did not review the steps again in their conclusion.
Conclusion includes a concluding statement to wrap up the speech.
( 6 )
Speech ended with a strong closing statement that effectively ends the speech.
( 3 )
Closing statement was included in speech, but was not effective in ending the speech.
( 0 )
Speech ended abruptly without any closing statement(s).
Speaker’s voice was audible and confident.
( 6 )
Speaker spoke clearly, loudly, and confidently.
( 4 )
Speaker’s voice was difficult to hear/ understand at times.
( 2 )
Speaker’s voice was often hard to hear/understand (spoke quietly/quickly, e.g.).
( 0 )
Speaker’s voice was inaudible.
Speaker maintained the interest of the class.
( 6 )
Speaker did a great job maintaining the interest of the class during the presentation.
( 4 )
Speaker generally maintained the interest of the class during the presentation.
( 2 )
Speaker could have done a better job at maintaining the interest of the class during the presentation.
( 0 )
Speaker failed to maintain the interest of the class during the presentation.
Speaker maintained eye contact with the class.
( 6 )
Speaker made eye contact with the audience as much as possible and did not read from note cards.
 ( 4 )
Speaker made eye contact with the audience as much as possible with the aid of note cards.
( 2 )
Speaker made little eye contact with the audience and read often from note cards.
( 0 )
Speaker rarely or never made eye contact with the audience.
Presenter used visual aids to demonstrate topic.
( 10 )
Presenter effectively used visual aids in their presentation.
( 7 )
Visual aids were used in the presentation.
( 4 )
Visual aids were distracting or were used ineffectively.
( 1 )
Presenter did not have or use visual aids in their presentation.
( 10 )
The speaker was prepared with all materials, knew their lines, and clearly rehearsed beforehand.
 ( 7 )
The speaker did well overall but could have done more to prepare.
( 4 )
The speaker forgot materials, read their lines, and/or did not appear to have rehearsed beforehand.
( 1 )
The speaker was not prepared at all and clearly did not rehearse their presentation beforehand.

       / 88 (+ 12) =          


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